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Behind The Scenes

Hi, my name is Sha-Lene - perhaps better known in the online shopping community as Your Shopping Kaki :) I'm an online shopping reviewer - basically, I write about products that you can purchase online through Malaysian blogshops. Over the past year, I have received countless e-mails from readers asking if I can help them post up items they have to sell, because they don't have blogshops of their own. Each time, I've had to say, "Sorry, I wish I could but I don't offer that platform :(".

On October 7th 2010, I decided to be proactive - stop wishing, and make it happen! So I set up this blog as an affiliate website to Your Shopping Kaki, in hopes to fulfil the needs of my beloved readers. I wanted to create a (virtual) space where anyone in Malaysia can sell items - and share the convenience and ease of online shopping with more people! :) Of course, this idea is neither new nor original - but hopefully our personal touch will make shopping here an experience, not just a transaction. ;)

At this point, are you wondering, "Why the name Pasar Night?" The answer is simple - it's such a Malaysian thing to say! :D The name personifies our beloved "pasar malam" culture fused with the promise of technology, plus the fact that we don't discriminate about what you can or cannot sell here :)

I will not be personally administrating this blog because my hands are kinda full with other commitments - at the forefront being uni and YSK, but rest assured that I will do my best to oversee the maintenance of this website. Now, who will be the team managing Pasar Night, you ask?

The short answer: You! :D

The truth is that it takes a lot of time, effort and commitment to maintain a blog like this - and the online shopping community (myself included!) is going to need a hand from you. If you're on a holiday or have even a few hours to spare each week, drop me an e-mail at yourshoppingkaki@gmail.com to volunteer your generosity! :)

Administrator's Job Description
  • Regularly posting up the items that readers want to sell (Daily basis if possible)
  • Linking preloved blogshops on the sidebar
  • Removing posts of items that have been sold
  • Managing the advertisements (booking, banking, posting up)

    You will be entrusted with access to the e-mail for this blog, which is pasarnight@gmail.com. I will try to secure some monetary compensation for your time, via the advertisement/sponsorship spaces on the sidebar. All funding will go to whoever is administrating Pasar Night at the time :)

    Happy Shopping! (And selling!)
    Your Shopping Kaki :)


    1st December 2010 - 31 March 2011: Mechell Lee

    Mechell is a third year psychology major with a soft spot for pretty things. She's a seasoned online shopper and has gained experience in our local online shopping community since early 2008 - before Your Shopping Kaki herself discovered online shopping! - through her own blogshop in the past. She is a close personal friend of mine, and surprise, surprise - we met through online shopping! :P Mechell is also on the blogging panel of Your Shopping Kaki as one of our Guest Bloggers :D

    1 April 2011 - present: Cynthia Lee

    Cynthia "Datin Diva" is a sales & marketing manager on weekdays and a thriftshopping extraordinaire on weekends. She finds inspiration in the fashion statements made by Rihanna, Katy Perry and Adam Lambert - this is one blogger who dares to experiment with and recreate trends in ways that keep us on our toes. She is my business consultant on the YSK enterprise, and surprise, surprise - we met through online shopping! :P Cynthia is also on the blogging panel of Your Shopping Kaki as one of our Guest Bloggers :D